Dell'Arte in partnership with places of healing
For questions and inquiries, please contact Program Director Julie Douglas at juliedouglas@dellarte.com.
Many Dell’Arte graduates participate in healthcare and humanitarian clowning programs across the world as part of organizations like Clowns without Borders and the Medical Clown Project. The US branch of Clowns Without Borders (founded by Moshe Cohen) had Dell’Arte as its original mailing address, and alumnus and guest faculty Jeff Raz co-founded the Medical Clown Project in 2010.
As the pandemic helped to reveal, emotional and physical well-being are highly linked to human connection. That said, residents in elder care don’t often get many visitors or engage in activities, and in hospitals it is difficult for a child to be a child. Medical clowns provide that much-needed human connection that aids in empowerment and brings hope to situations that can sometimes feel somber and powerless.
Fueled by greater understanding of the social determinants of health, social prescribing is on the rise. As defined by a peer-reviewed article in the AMA Journal of Ethics, social prescribing is “a systematic approach to addressing patients’ social needs by referring them to or implementing community-based interventions and facilitating social connection based on individual need.”
Dell’Arte launched its first summer intensive on Healthcare Clowning—co taught by Douglas, Michelle Matlock, and Jeff Raz—in the summer of 2024. “We know that artists who come to Dell’Arte are hungry not only to increase their theatrical skills, but also make a difference in the world. This program helps actors do both by working with folks in need on unconventional stages,” says Dell’Arte Head of Training Tony Fuemmeler.
Dell’Arte is fortunate to have found a partner in Timber Ridge that provides a variety of engaging activities for residents and believes in the power of this initiative. Dell'Arte is eager to continue this work with additional healthcare partners in Humboldt.
With the assistance of a grant from the Ink People and the Humboldt Creative Alliance funded by Measure J, the pilot project began in September. Dell’Arte is planning to offer more training on the subject in summer of 2025.
Photos by Mark Larson and by courtesy of Timber Ridge.