Alexander Technique 5-Day Residential Retreat
A Community Workshop in the Art of Ease and Skillful Living
with Master TeacherJoan Schirle and senior teachers Joe Krienke & Dana Calvey
Dates and details for the 2020 retreat coming in January
The Alexander Technique is a simple and practical method that improves ease, freedom of movement, balance, support, mobility, and coordination. Open to all ages, levels of experience, and walks of life, this retreat offers the opportunity to discover a new way to experience, perceive, and enjoy the spectacular gifts of the natural world that the Humboldt County Redwood Coast offers to its residents and visitors. These experiences along with group and individual classes are sure to expand the senses, enliven the body, and provide practical tools for greater ease and support in everyday life. We welcome community members, students, professionals, and/or artists from near or far.
- Enjoy peaceful walks, hikes, and scenic vistas of the treasured lands surrounding sunny Blue Lake
- Group outings to old growth Redwood groves, magnificent northern California beaches, boat rides on Humboldt Bay, visits to Eureka Old Town Art Galleries and museums, and bonfires at riverside under the stars provide ample opportunities to experience the Alexander Technique in an array of stimulus.
- Copious opportunities for meaningful reflection, connection, and conversation
Printable version of the Registration form scan and email back to alyssa@dellarte.com